Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dramatic vs Iconic Heroes

This was stolen from Robin D. Laws:
Dramatic vs. Iconic Heroes: 
A dramatic hero follows a character arc in which he is changed by his experience of the world. Examples: Orpheus, King Lear, Ben Braddock. 
An iconic hero undertakes tasks (often serially) and changes the world, restoring order to it, by remaining true to his essential self. Examples: Beowulf, Sherlock Holmes, Batman.
Making this explicit about your character may prevent some of the problems that seem to occur at the table (at least at my table).

How would you handle character advancement (or experience or ...) for the different types of characters? The dramatic hero seems pretty typical for a RPG but the iconic hero ... 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sorry for necroing, but I just stumbled across this post and was inspired, so I've written up a few thoughts on my own blog as they got pretty long. Here's a link
